Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome 2011

I've been meaning to blog for a while. I had so much on my mind, such as reflection after an extraordinary year 2010 and new year resolutions, but since I just had my eye lasik treatment done 10 days ago, i had to limit my laptop usage.

I'm not usually too crazy about New Year resolutions. However, last year I had a few goals such as learning to play guitar and I actually achieved 90% of them so I've gained more faith in my ability to keep them now, and I want to set out some resolutions again for this year. Here they are:

  • Finance: Save $6,000 (3 things I could do with this money) Q1-4
  • Work: Get promoted to Manager level. Q1
  • Beauty: Focus on skin. Keep up my daily routine and sleep early. Q1
  • Knowledge: Read a book every 2 months. Q2-Q4
  • Heath/fitness: Lose 3cm at waist. I'm at healthy weight right now; however, I have a terrible waistline compared to other parts of my body. Q2
  • Entertainment: Travel to a country I've never been to and attend a live concert. Q3
  • Make my life more meaningful outside of work & family. Q3
  • Take action on my business/study plan. Q4
That's about it. I've got detailed plan and got started on half of this list already. Their start-dates are also divided by timeline so it's not all-at-once too intense at the beginning of the year. I will review this list every 3 months.

2011 will be another great year :-)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

20 questions tag

Another random post.. just for fun!

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without: my phone
2.Favorite brand of makeup: L'Oreal because it's affordable, light and their skincare line is good too
3.Favorite flowers: many types of white flower such as jasmine, cereus, orchid, ect..
4.Fav clothing stores: Mo&Co, FCUK, Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secrets
5.Fav perfume: i don't use perfume..
6.Heels or flats: heels for 90% of the time
7.Do you make good grades? yeah
8.Fav colors: purple, black, white, beige
9.Do you drink energy drinks? nope
10.Do you drink juice? yes, quite often
11.Do you like swimming? yes, but i don't like pool water in the city.. not very clean :(
12.Do you eat fries with a fork? not unless my hands are dirty :P
13.Whats your fav moisturizer? i'm not choosy, as long as it smells good and not too sticky. Current one is Deep Sleep by The Body Shop
14.Do you want to get married later on in life? i think so.. i'm game :-) even though i don't believe in marriage :P
15.Do you get mad easily? kind of.. still learning to control my temper
16.Are you into ghost hunting? nope, i did it before though.. was fun ^^
17.Any phobias? i don't know.. maybe
18.Do you bite your nails? no.. i don't like biting anything
19.Have you ever had a near death experience? not really.. do car accidents count?
20.Do you drink coffee? I love the taste but my head just can't handle it :(

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 good things

Today didn't exactly end like I had planned.. a little bit disappointed because someone didn't show up but it was still a good day. I need to list these things out to keep myself positive:
  1. Got my eyes'2nd laser treatment and done with it. Now I can move on to lasik surgery finally. I need to get back to the hospital tomorrow to schedule my surgery and pay the fee though.
  2. Attended an interesting sharing about NS strategy going forward in MBA class. Although it was quite short.
  3. Went to tennis even though i was quite tired and feeling sick after the laser treatment. However, i think sweating helped me feel better.
That's about it for today. Tomorrow is gonna be a difficult day because I will have to turn down 2 trainings to focus on some urgent tasks and support the team to make sure our events are well-prepared.

Time to sleep. Waiting for a new youtube video so I can enjoy it while falling asleep but not sure if it would be uploaded anytime soon.

P.S. Wondering why I don't feel Christmasy at all.